I haven't been here
I haven't been around
I haven't not been here
over there
nowhere not possible
hidden from sight
wait for the moonlight
waiting for the moonlight
would be better
but in what direction
about an orange line
a white line
make a general statement
point to the color
and not to the shape
never mind the shape
he's wearing green today
not a jacket
he's thick as a cloud
a diamond painted blue
a ruby painted blue
a frisbee in the garden
I haven't been anywhere
I haven't gone anywhere
I haven't seen you
this life took place
taking place
finding my place
in the world
the shape of things to come
at every turning
a red brick
a gray brick
an ornate roof line
having been here
I've been nowhere
having been longer
seen coming home
wait for moonlight
half a moonlight
I too have a pastness feeling
There is something further about it
what do you call that?
-- jeff wietor