I pondered and wondered
I need hardly explain why
I happened to come upon
I cannot do more than I can
I will do my best to make lucid
I had profited by their wisdom
I had gained a deal more
I may say that
I was granted a passport
I was not able, alas
I did
I came to realize
I am glad
I have realized Life
I want to rouse you
I am born
I have grown
I asked
I vision is
I would have you
I read this
I felt a heave
I feel like resigning
I say
I admit
I would
I know
I wrote
I found
I was
I read
I say
I turned
I was
I must
I have
I have
I had
I recaptured
I wrote
I sang
I want
I have
I have
I am
I put out
I do not mean
I have never
I do mean
I have not let it leave
I want to see you
I am at a loss
I consider myself a
I feel
I claim
I feel
I will not find
I love
I do not adhere
I see in it
Do you know what I think?
I do not believe that
Nor do I believe that
I myself do not think
I thrilled
I will confine myself
I have myself borne witness
I have avoided
I would have to propound
I studied
I write about these questions
I need not plead
I am going to suggest
I add
I have revealed
I have experienced
I possess
I say "seems"
I asked him
I learned
I brooded sadly
I felt a little
I feel
I will answer
I have felt a pain
I have expressed many
I felt blessed
I said to myself
Andham tamah pravishanti ye avidyam upasate
Tato bhuya iva te tamo ye u vidyayam ratah
-- Jeff Wietor