A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi
getting ready for bed; a pair of warm pajamas
Adam reminds me, tease. taunt & tickle me:
"between futile speculation and unconsidered action"
correct me if I'm wrong
"I knew a man once did a girl in"
"have you noticed the cherry blossoms"
"again". "again and again". "again again".
pink clusters starry bursts.
pretty in confidence; casting a spell:
Springtime in the middle of Winter
San Francisco; bedazzled, a source of success
I find it difficult describing my situation
your situation, is it easier to describe?
describe to me your situation.
I forget what it was I was thinking about.
Was I in fact thinking about something?
Perhaps I just had the thought I was thinking.
When Adam says good night to me I say good night
to him; I feel at moments when I say good night
to Adam I have gained the capacity to act directly.
While Adam is preparing for bed I feel him struggling
with inner demons; as if demons have sprouted in him
in the dark of him about to flower
Within Adam is a seed of unplanned acceptance;
Adam is vigilant to his unplans and unknowing.
Adam unknows and unplans and is thus happy.
I am happy with Adam when Adam remembers I am his
brother; sometimes he can't remember which of
us is older; it matters that I don't want to lose him
it's hard for us to tell where my body leaves
off and his begins; we have a capacity to act
directly; we have a place to go with each other
-- Jeff Wietor