Speaking in Tongues/Vibrations; Call Cathryn E, call John M; copy To Live Within; Rain; spring arrives; rain in the morning, heavy at times, rain; dripple drips bring
bobby knipple grade school recollections -- who's body of work is slowly beginning to emerge, today?; question the times; question "not a discussion" "not a dialogue" not a what not a that not a this but what happens happens happening now not not examples; example of
Harold Budd: the piece with a lot of piano; a porcupine society; now silence or unquiet; tell it to the Unborn.
Speaking in Tongues; possible email from David Wednesday mayeremail@overtheresomewhere.com coffee Komodo Starbucks, now you're all caught up; "A Vente?" "Yo, just gimmee a big cuppa Jo!!", no rain sunlight
Faithless Pandora; it's happening now not then nor then either but not now either but not now either; go to Asphodel for those tickets;
Hecq, Bad Karma, Into the Unseen
Gardner McKay Adventures in Paradise; we're going to go with him; call me at 11:14 today; playing on the porch the TV on Adventures in Paradise - is he really running through a jungle paradise nude or is he just naked running through leaves? hula sunshine warm outside today gather ye sunshine in your ukelele or stay tuned to hula hot boy blend bands; String stories, threads: stay tuned to collaborations nickel plated shine over on the window walled glass lined topsy turvey twang -- they there. Call me: noonish. The simple boy produced a dramatic strumming chord on the ukelele; all . . . hula-hula boy ukeleles . . . Dorothy Sayers said the campers brought gramophones overwhelmed with WOW concertinas or ukeleles; I'll come in barefoot, ukelele, these are cold hard times; I'll come in with a clean face and he can just start; logic and lust; Born Slippy; Moby; Ecstatic Claims; Hi Scores,
Boards of Canada;
Elliott; False Cathedrals, electric cello, ecstatic musical times; a clarinet; you see something new a Yale boy thrills and cries; melodious cadence of the hula song; superstitious rambling thoughts; a ukelele;
Wizards of the Ukelele; Under Control: the Strokes; Shall we note Brad; Bell; noticing Brad; the object of 1976: just say Clipper Street, 472. sounds like the title of a story; Clipper Street anecdotes; ukelele; moments of reprove; repeat; Shoob,E: Bola; biting into him with a lathered hand; combining over him my needs his eyes his hair your you glowing; Vicious Traditions;
The Veils -- Runaway; The Runaway Found; Find your way out of this one; Brad Bell -- Beautiful elusive nobody beauty; the phones for you; find your way out of this one; occupied with beauty; Travis; stick it in the back, put it over there, here take this; drought; weather; don't allow for his fatigued nasty TV habits; hardwood floors in the middle of the night; the invitation to watch him roam naked nakedly through the apartment in the moonlight lit hardwood floors walking in his sleep wide-awake looking for his dream in his dreams coming with his dreams searching for his backpack, his cigarettes his "I don't want to go on dreaming" dreams his
Beautiful Occupation of his next starring roll; his roaming through life in search of hunger; Two Conversations --
Appleseed Cast -- I'll always love you, I’ll always be your friend; I hold this letter B; Sitting here just watching Squirrels;
B. Fleischmann; The Humbucking Coil; didn’t I treat you right? Didn’t I do my best didn’t I give you everything; Golden Brass Summit;
Brass Bands of Serbia; God Complex; why you wanna leave me baby? Capitain Troy I love you! be my fire place I got the wood; wildnight.
Lyrics Born; Hieroglyphics; Los Amigos Invisibles
That's what you get when you fall in love
I'll never fall in love
againGone Girl; cello, oboe, guitar, languidly yet limping limpidly the long Friday, violin, viola, even oboes have their memories don't they? do they; if you had the ability to compete in the Olympics, what event would you want to be in? you spoke to me in a way; it feels so cold to be alive; so robbed of forgetfulness;
Zodiacal Lights are like a dagger into the darkness over Hawaii: where is the pink dress where is the punk shirt where is the possiblity of knowing him? you can't possibly know him he's been dead since 1985; hardly seems a year since twenty years passed; new music and hardwood floors; we listened to the radio; KSAN. KSAN when it was live djs and fresh rock open live and
driven everyday all day all night too;
she's wearing an eclectic blend of textures -- boistrous jovial "we all needed that" dressed alike, down to the shoes, good time had by one and all by one and all; Circus Contraption.com you can find out all about them. how 'bout some chances to see a whole lot of movies?
King Kong is at the
Red Vic; is that the one about gay marriage? no, I think you're thinking of Confederate States of America.
The Humbucking Coil is a schizophrenic apparatus. A pick-up that eliminates the guitar's usual interferences, its white noise, just by means of doubling them. Two electromagnetic coils turn each other mute. What solely remains is the pure sound of the vibrating string. And that what is done with this single sound.
Bernhard Fleischmann named his latest album after the roughly 50-year-old Humbucking Coil. As old as modern pop music: the pick-up, not the artist. And Bernhard Fleischmann has taken an electronically amplified guitar. This happened for a first, a curious time. The Humbucking Coil has become an open, breathing album. Rather soundbox than hard disk.
Being part of a process that has become visible in different moments on his previous album Welcome Tourist already. In between, and last year, there was the project duo 505, developed together with Herbert Weixelbauer. There the groovebox (Roland 505), here the amplified guitar (Humbucking Coil), there the micro levels of clicks and cuts, here the warmth of an old valve driven microphone. Vibraphone, piano, guitar, they all come together in a still electronic context. The album's cover, this graphic strictness on an ivory fond; a visual quotation of jazz that gets on very well with the music inside.